Dolly Parton apologises to lesbian couple after Dollywood banned pro-gay marriage T-shirt

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Dolly Parton has apologised to a lesbian couple after one of them was ordered to reverse a t-shirt with a gay slogan when visiting her theme park.

Olivier Odom and Jennifer Tipton visited Dollywood’s waterpark Splash Country recently but park staff objected to Ms Odom’s ‘marriage is so gay’ t-shirt and asked her to turn it inside out to avoid offending other visitors.

The couple then went to the media to complain.

Last night, the country legend gave a statement of apology to ABC News.

Parton said: “I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian T-shirt incident at Dollywood’s Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my personal support of the gay and lesbian community. Dollywood is a family park and all families are welcome.”

She added: “I am looking further into the incident and hope and believe it was more policy than insensitivity. I am very sorry it happened at all.”

Staff at the waterpark say they will review the policy.

Parton has a huge gay following and often speaks out on gay rights issues.

Speaking in 2009 about gay marriage, she said: “I always say, ‘Sure, why can’t they get married? They should suffer like the rest of us do.”

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