Tory MP Chloe Smith supports gay marriage

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Conservative MP Chloe Smith says she supports the campaign for marriage equality.

The 29-year-old politician, who is one of the youngest MPs in the House of Commons, joined Norwich Pride last weekend.

Speaking on a Question Time-style panel with gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, the Norwich North MP gave her support, telling Mr Tatchell she agreed with his Equal Love campaign.

Mr Tatchell said: “Chloe’s support is much appreciated. She received a very warm and enthusiastic response from the audience. I think many were surprised. She is one of the very few Tory MPs to support gay civil marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, endorses the right of gay couples to marry, but David Cameron, George Osborne and most Conservative MPs are still resisting calls for equality.”

He added: “I hope Ms Smith’s endorsement will embolden other Tory MPs to support full equality in civil marriage and civil partnership law.”

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