Coventry woman sets up gay funeral service

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A lesbian from Coventry has set up a funeral service specialising in ceremonies for gays and lesbians.

Angela Sanderson, 47, said she decided to set up the service after her sister’s funeral did not reflect the person she was.

Ms Sanderson, a student welfare at Coventry University, took a four-day course to qualify as a civil funeral celebrant last year and has now set up her service, called Rainbows End.

She says her civil ceremonies will sensitively reflect the deceased’s personality, views and beliefs, rather than those of a minister or religion.

She also plans to celebrate other ceremonies for gay couples, such as child naming, civil partnerships and vow renewals.

Ms Sanderson told the Coventry Telegraph: “I am a gay woman and hope to specialise in funerals and civil celebrations for gay couples, but not exclusively.

“The rainbow is the flag for gays and it seemed an appropriate name.”

She added: “I would prefer my funeral service to be held by someone who understands my lifestyle. I am an atheist, but I believe each to his or her own.

“I want gay people to know there is someone out there.”

In 2005, the Co-op set up a funeral service aimed at gays and lesbians, called Pink Partings.

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