‘God Hates Fags’ church to picket Ground Zero and Nevada National Guard funerals

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The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, that protests at military funerals with signs saying ‘God Hates Fags’ will picket the funerals of three Nevada National Guard soldiers as well as protesting at the site of Ground Zero on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

The group which is more accustomed to picketing the funerals of US service personnel killed abroad, blames the ills of the United States on the country’s decision to decriminalise homosexuality.

Shirley Phelps-Roper of the church, announced on Twitter that the church would visit “Carson City and picket.” It follows the fatal shooting of three Nevada National Guard soldiers at a restaurant in Carson City. A civilian woman was also killed.

Eduardo Sencion, 32, killed five people, including himself on Tuesday during a rampage described by Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong called “the most devastating attack on our community” in history.

Separately, the church has announced that it is to picket Ground Zero in New York on the tenth anniversary on the terror attacks that destroyed the Twin Towers in the city as well as attacking the Pentagon.

In a statement on its website, the church said: “You have been worshipping these dead bodies for 10 years now. How shameful! The Lord required the souls of those people on 9/11/01; do you think that all this crying around will bring them back? Wake up! They’re in hell! You have not learned the lesson set in front of you.

“God brought 9/11 upon you for treacherously departing from Him; it was a blessed warning to flee the wrath to come, to humbly submit yourselves before your God & to obey Him. Instead of mourning reprobate men, thank God you’re alive another day, that He’s given you space to repent. Thank God He didn’t destroy this whole rebellious land. Your only hope is to heed the warning: repent or perish.”

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