Maryland Governor: Gay marriage is possible but it will be a long fight

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The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley as well as the lieutenant governor,  Anthony Brown, have warned that it will be a long fight to win full gay marriage rights with the same legal status as straight married couples but that it is achievable.

Mr O’Malley who is a Democrat will support gay marriage legislation in the Maryland General Assembly.
Speaking at a fund-raiser for Equality Maryland he said: “This is about making sure that every family in Maryland is able to raise their children in a loving and stable home, a home that is respected equally under the law.”

He added that he is “committed to expanding that circle of inclusion into those core fundamental beliefs that unite us as a people.”

“Even people that do not yet agree with us on this issue, there’s a lot of goodness in each and every individual, and we need to engage in that goodness. We need to call people to that goodness. We need to call people together in the centre of that circle that makes us a great state — that makes us a great country — because we believe in the dignity of every individual, and we believe in the advancement of the greater good. “

The lieutenant governor of Maryland,  Anthony Brown said: “It’s going to require thousands of phone calls and conversations, thousands of emails and letters and door-knocking,” Brown said. “It’s going to require all of us to redouble our efforts to find those Marylanders who are willing to step forward and demonstrate their commitment to marriage equality and protecting families in Maryland.”

In March, the effort to legalise gay marriage in the US state of Maryland died for the year. Supporters of a marriage equality bill could not find enough votes for the measure to pass in the House.

It needed 71 votes to pass but was returned to the House Judiciary Committee last Friday when it became clear it did not have enough support to pass.

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