Channel 4 documentary follows transgender men and women

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A Channel 4 documentary to be screened this autumn follows seven transgender men and women.

The programme, Girls Will Be Boys and Boys Will Be Girls, will show the group at different stages of the transition process.

Channel 4 says the show will be “inspirational” and encourage viewers to “think differently” about transgender people.

The seven face different issues, such as coming out to family members, finding jobs where they can live openly and considering hormone therapy or surgery.

They are also shown attending support groups, where trans people further ahead in the process give advice about dealing with harassment, ‘passing’ in their new sex and coping with the effects of treatment.

The four-part series also looks at the popularity of online forums for the transgender community.

The documentary is being made by Twenty Twenty Television and executive producer Meredith Chambers said: “It has been a privilege to share the lives of seven trans people this summer. The series will be inspirational and full of life and laughter.

“There’s so much to learn about the journey that someone goes on when they change their gender and we hope viewers will be moved, informed and encouraged to think differently by the series.”

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