Edinburgh police investigate gay sauna death

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Police in Edinburgh are investigating after a man died suddenly during a visit to the city’s most popular gay sauna.

The man, in his sixties, was visiting the Number 18 sauna on Leith Walk on Tuesday and was rushed to hospital after being given CPR.

Neighbours reported a disturbance at around 12.30pm, although it is not clear whether this is connected to the man’s death.

The Edinburgh Evening News reports that police have closed off the building and fitted a new lock on the door, where a sign says the business will be closed until further notice.

Stuart Little, who works at Priscilla’s Bar, next door, told the newspaper that police were checking CCTV.

He said: “We are not sure exactly what happened, but the police have been asking staff to keep an eye out for suspicious people coming into the pub and they’ve checked our CCTV for people who were coming and going at the sauna.

“Our CCTV covers right up Leith Walk. The place is a gay-friendly sauna and there isn’t usually any bother, often people who’ve been to the sauna will come in here for a drink.

“There were loads of CID and forensics around the place yesterday.”

A police spokeswoman said: “Police are investigating following the sudden death of a man at an address in Albert Place, Leith, on Tuesday, September 13th. Enquiries are ongoing to establish the circumstances surrounding his death.”

Anyone with information about the incident should contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131.

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