Madonna flash mob greets anti-gay Republican Michele Bachmann

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Gay rights campaigners staged a Madonna-themed flash mob to greet Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on Friday.

The anti-gay politician was in California for the state Republican convention.

As she gave a speech at a hotel, campaigners outside danced to Madonna’s Like a Prayer and shouted slogans against the so-called ‘reparative therapy’ allegedly practiced by the Bachmann family’s Christian counselling service.

Dancers shouted: “Pray the gay away! That’s right, we‘re here and we’re not going anywhere!”

Ms Bachmann also made an appearance on The Tonight Show while in California where she was questioned about her anti-LGBT record.

Jay Leno said: “That whole ‘pray the gay away’ thing, I don’t get that.”

Ms Bachmann, attempting a joke, replied: “When I heard that I thought it was a mid-life crisis thing, ‘pray the gray away.’”

The presenter pressed her, saying: “To me, when I was a kid, they used to try and teach me to write right-handed … to me that’s the same thing if you’re gay. I’ve been married 31 years, first wife, very happy. Two gay guys get married, how does that affect my marriage?”

She responded: “The whole thing is, with clinics, whatever issue anyone has, we don’t discriminate, we don’t discriminate with people’s issues.”

Under further questioning, she added: “The family is foundational and marriage between a man and a woman is what the law has been for years.”

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