Lesbian couple accuse Thomson of honeymoon discrimination

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A lesbian couple claim that one of Britain’s largest travel companies discriminated against them on their honeymoon.

Gemma Harman, 24, and Tamsin Harper, 36, from Brighouse, Yorkshire, flew to the Dominican Republican with Thomson following their civil partnership earlier this year.

The couple claim that Thomson treated them differently from other honeymooning couples because they were two women.

Speaking to Real Radio, Ms Harman said straight couples on the same trip were treated “like VIPs” and were given special romantic meals and fruit and rum in their rooms.

She said they tried to book a meal but it was never arranged and staff were “dismissive”.

“They just did not treat us the same as everybody else,” Ms Harman said. “It’s, quite frankly, disgusting in this day and age and I find it ridiculous that people who work for a company that is supposedly gay-friendly can be so rude.”

The couple, along with 60 other guests, were moved to another hotel halfway through the holiday and there were problems with day trips.

Thomson said the couple had been let down but claimed it was nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

A spokesman told Press Association: “Unfortunately we let them down but we let them down as customers.”
He added: “We got the customer service wrong and they are wrong to believe it was anything to do with them personally.

“The holiday didn’t live up to their expectations and it didn’t live up to our standards. But it could have happened to anyone.”

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