Video: US airman comes out to his father live on YouTube

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On the day that President Obama finally ended the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ ban on openly gay people serving in the US military, a young airman came out to his father via the telephone and broadcast a webcam recording of the event on YouTube.

The airman, who has been slowly chronicling the coming out process using the user name AreYouSurprised, telephoned his father in Alabama to tell him that he was gay.

The airman, who has not revealed his real name, first asked his father if he would love him “no matter what” and then simply said: “Dad, I’m gay.” When his father replied “gay?”, the airman said: “I always have been, and I’ve known since whatever.”

The airman went on to explain that he did not want to tell his father on the telephone but hadn’t seen him for over a year as he’d been posted to Germany. His father replied: “I still love you son.”

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