New Jersey governor calls teacher’s anti-gay remarks ‘disturbing’

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New Jersey governor Chris Christie has weighed in on the case of a teacher suspended for making homophobic remarks on Facebook.

Viki Knox, who works in Union High School in the Union Township school district, made the comments last week.

She called homosexuality “a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation” and a “sin” that “breeds like cancer”.

There have been calls for the teacher, 49, to be fired.

Mr Christie, speaking on 770 WABC Radio, said the remarks were “disturbing” and called for an examination of the way Ms Knox teaches in the classroom.

He said: “I think that kind of example is not a positive one at all to be setting for folks who have such an important and influential position in our society.

“I’m really concerned about those kinds of statements being made.”

Although Ms Knox has not commented, she did appear on CBS with her husband Gene.

Mr Knox spoke because his wife has been advised by school administrators to stay silent until the case is finished.

He said: “Everybody’s entitled to an opinion. They can persecute her, but they can’t prosecute her.”

In other remarks, the teacher said teachers had not had sex enough times to decide their sexual orientation.

She wrote: “As a 15 yr old girl, how many positive fulfilling sexual encounters has she had with a man to know or THINK she wants to only have sex with another female. Most of her experiences would have been with some male trying to practice his techniques and control on her.

“I haven’t run across any teenagers/young adults fortunate enough to be introduced to sexual relations by professionals: gigolo and escorts.”

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