J Crew chief Jenna Lyons ‘in lesbian relationship’

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One of the most powerful women in the US fashion industry has reportedly begun a lesbian relationship.

Jenna Lyons, the president and creative director of J Crew, is in the process of divorcing her husband, artist Vincent Mazeau.

The couple married in 2002 and have a five-year-old son, Beckett.

According to the New York Post, Lyons has “fallen in love with another woman who also works in the fashion business”.

The woman has not been named.

Sources said Mazeau hopes to win the couple’s Park Slope home as well as a sizable settlement because he put his career on the back burner to be a house husband.

However, friends of Lyons said she had supported his career by buying him a studio and giving him time to work on his art.

In April, Lyons found herself at the centre of a storm after she was photographed painting her son’s toenails pink.

Child psychologists claimed this would cause “gender confusion” but others praised her for ignoring rigid gender roles.

The next month, the J Crew catalogue featured looks modelled by the company’s employees, including a designer and his boyfriend.

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