Kim Kardashian’s divorce prompts online clamour for gay marriage

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Following a union which lasted 72 days, gay marriage supporters around the world are claiming Kim Kardashian is an example of the institution’s lack of sanctity.

Unimpressed by the TV personality’s decision to file for divorce, many have taken to Twitter to vent their frustration that she had more right to marry than most gay couples in a country where many opponents cite the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.

Perez Hilton, the creator of the eponymous celebrity blog, wrote: “Straight people do a damn well good job themselves of ruining the sanctity of marriage! #MarriageForALL”

Two trending topics followed on Twitter, one in which thousands of users repeated Hilton’s hashtag #MarriageForALL, and another, which at the time of writing was the most popular topic on the site, #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage.

Users’ suggestions for longer-lasting experiences than Kardashian’s marriage include showers, flight delays and the amount of time Twitter will be talking about Kardashian’s marriage.

Last year, Kardashian joined the launch of the Give a Damn campaign to create a wider awareness of discrimination against the LGBT community as part of Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund.

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