Video: Gay bishop Gene Robinson on inequality and the 99% movement

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The Right Reverend Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire, has spoken about the Occupy movements which have spread around the world, directed at social and economic inequality.

Rev Robinson was the first openly gay, non-celibate bishop to be elected when he was ordained in 2003.

In an interview with ThinkProgress, Bishop Robinson said: “One-sixth of all the words Jesus spoke, and one-third of all the parables, are about the dangers of wealth and possessions.

“It is something that we hear from the prophets — particularly of the Old Testament, and of course that’s what Jesus was steeped in, those were his scriptures — that any culture, but certainly one that claims to be Godly, is to be judged on how well the most vulnerable are treated.”

“Are we really going to live in an “every man, woman and child for themselves” world, or are we going to be a community in which the greater good, the common good, is also a value that we hold?”

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