Video: All gay members of US Congress tell teens ‘It Gets Better’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

An ‘It Gets Better’ film released today features all four openly gay members of the current US Congress.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and Congressmen Barney Frank, Jared Polis, and David Cicilline, produced the video for the It Gets Better Project.

The politicians, all from the Democrat party, represent Wisonsin, Massachusetts, Colorado and Rhode Island respectively in the House of Representatives.

Congresswoman Baldwin said: “Coming out publicly was the most frightening thing I’ve ever done and, also, the most freeing.

The first openly gay non-incumbent elected to Congress added: “I hope young people viewing our video will hear our message that there’s a world of opportunity awaiting them and things really will get better”.

Congressman Frank said: “I am very pleased that so many people of all sorts have joined in this important “It Gets Better” campaign. And I think it’s especially important for those of us in a position to give personal testimony to make it clear that for us it got better – a whole lot better.”

Of the film, Congressman Polis added: “If a video like this one can help a scared young person who has been the victim of bullying or harassment see past their painful present to a happier future, then this has been worth it. But we must do so much more. In particular, our schools must become places of acceptance and respect where LGBT students can learn and grow into successful young adults”.

Congressman Cicilline concluded: “Every young person, regardless of their sexual orientation, must feel safe and respected as equals. I am proud to join my colleagues to encourage hope to the LGBT community, particularly youth, so they know it does, in fact, get better, he said.

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