Limbaugh blames school’s “gay agenda” over teen shooting

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Only a few hours after Brandon McInerney was sentenced to the killing of fellow student Larry King, the US conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh once again blamed another tragedy on LGBT acceptance.

His latest homophobic outburst has managed to surpass comments made last week about the “gay lobby” influencing the media reporting of a recent child abuse story.

Limbaugh said King did not receive a “traditional education”.

Speaking on his radio show, Limbaugh said: “there are agendas that are being promoted, but they’re not what you and I were taught in school. So now [King] is dead.”

During the trial, it was revealed that 15-year-old King sometimes wore feminine clothing to class.
He was fatally shot in the head by McInerney in 2008.

Limbaugh has seized on comments made by Larry King’s mother Dawn.

She told the Los Angeles Times that Green Middle School in Oxnard, California, should have done more to protect her son and to change his behaviour in class: “I knew, gut instinct, that something serious was going to happen,” she added: “They [the school] should have contained him, contained his behaviour”.

The Times notes the school told King’s mother, it was his “civil right” to explore his sexuality.

On his radio show, Limbaugh expression derision at the statement and used transphobic remarks:

“He [King] had the right to explore whether at some point he was going to need a chopadickoffamy operation.”

“Can you imagine if the kid were a conservative and wanted his civil right to indulge and inform himself about conservatism, whether the school would have said, ‘Hey, there’s nothing we can do’”.

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