Jail for fake Louis Walsh sex assault claims

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A man who admitted falsely accusing Louis Walsh of a sexual assault has been jailed for six months.

Leonard Watters, an unemployed 24-year-old dance teacher was sentenced at Dublin District Court yesterday.

Watters had falsely told a member of Ireland’s gardai police force that Walsh had groped him in a Dublin nightclub.

The X Factor judge denied the claim from the start and Watters eventually admitted he had lied to the police when confronted with CCTV footage of the evening.

Watters of Navan, Co Meath, initially claimed that 58-year-old impresario had groped him at the Krystle nightclub in Dublin after a Westlife concert in June.

He was found guilty lying to the gardai and faces six months in jail, though he has been granted leave to appeal that decision.

His lawyer said: “For ever and a day, he will be known as the guy who accused Louis Walsh in the wrong.

“He is a vulnerable, fragile human being, who behaved appallingly without giving real thought to the consequences for the injured party.”

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