Audio: Media regulator to assess why Jazz FM aired ‘five minutes of gay porn’

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Updated: 17:33

Jazz FM has apologised after listeners were subjected to several “highly regrettable” minutes of the soundtrack to a gay porn film on Saturday night. The broadcasting regulator Ofcom told it is assessing whether the broadcast broke regulations.

The radio station, which has around 0.2% of the UK audience, ordinarily plays smooth jazz and jazz standards with occasional blues numbers.

But last night’s Funky Sensation programme also included a few minutes of additional noises during music and adverts on the pre-recorded show.

The incident took place at 7.15pm and appeared to be a recording of two men in a mostly wordless but fairly graphic exchange.

A source at the station confirmed to the original recording did not contain the explicit audio.

As a result, many on the Twitter recommended a more suitable vowel than ‘a’ for the station’s name. Presumably, the rainbow chameleon remains appropriate. issued a statement, saying: “Unfortunately we had an unauthorised access to the live feed this evening which resulted in a highly regrettable incident.

“Please accept our profound and sincere apologies for any offence that may have been caused.”

Mike Vitti, station programme director, said disciplinary action would follow.

A spokesman for the broadcasting regulator Ofcom told that it has “received a small number of complaints and is currently assessing whether the broadcast broke the Broadcasting Code”. If found in breach, broadcasters can receive a fine or the loss of a license although this is thought highly unlikely in this case. understands that a broadcast assistant was watching pornography while the recorded show was being broadcast and that they accidentally transmitted the audio of the porn through a microphone that had been left on.

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