US student sues school over gay prom policy

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A high school student from Atlanta has filed a federal lawsuit against his school, alleging that the administrators removed him as student body president, after he proposed to make the prom more inclusive to LGBT students. 

Reuben Lack, an 18-year old student from Alpharetta High School in the suburbs of the city, has asked the US District Court to issue an injunction to reinstate him in his former position.

In January, Mr Lack introduced a resolution at the student council meeting to modify the traditional “prom king and queen” title to make it more inclusive to sexual minorities. He said in his affadavit that he asked for the tradition to be changed to a “prom court” so that same-sex couples also stood a chance of winning the crown.

However, the school removed him from the position in early February for allegedly “pushing personal projects” and advocating “policy changes.” No official comments from the school has been forthcoming.

Mr Lack, who is the captain of the school’s debate team, moderated a public debate in Alpharetta’s recent mayoral race, and he’s been honored by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners for his advocacy on behalf of youth, the lawsuit adds.

“The whole point of student government is that it’s supposed to be exercise or an education in democracy,” the student’s attorney, James Radford Jr, has said. “This is completely undemocractic.” He further added that while Mr Lack attempted to find out the reasons he had been removed, “they’ve never given him a specific reason why he’s been removed and why they’re not willing to work with him to bring him back.”

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