National AIDS Trust announces fundraising soirée for 25th birthday

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

To mark its 25th birthday, the National AIDS Trust will turn its flagship fundraising event, dubbed Spring Awakening, into a celebratory birthday party, the Silver Soirée this year.

The event will take place on 17 May at 11 Cavendish Square and will feature an exclusive birthday cocktail created by Eric Lorincz, mixologist at The Savoy.

There will be an exhibition of Red Ribbon artwork created by a range of high profile supporters including Gok Wan, Annie Lennox and Pan Ann as birthday gifts for NAT.

The fundraiser will also include a mini auction, tombola, and raffle – giving all guests the chance to win some prizes whilst donating towards NAT’s work.

A quarter of a century into its HIV policy and campaigning work, the Trust says it now depends more than ever on the generosity of friends and supporters to enable us to continue championing the rights of people living with HIV.

It said the event would be an opportunity to not only commemorate the achievements of the past 25 years but to raise awareness and fundraise to secure the future of its work.

Deborah Jack, Chief Executive of NAT, said: “We are really excited about celebrating NAT’s 25th birthday at this year’s Spring Awakening. The Silver Soirée promises to be a really special event as well as an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in 25 years and the important role NAT has played.

“We are delighted to be showcasing a selection of Red Ribbon art which has been specially created for NAT by some well-known supporters, and as always there will be a range of enticing ways that people can donate towards NAT’s important work and win some fabulous prizes at the same time.

“All the money raised from the event will help fund NAT’s policy and campaigning work – changing attitudes, challenging injustice and changing lives.”

Tickets to ‘Spring Awakening – the Silver Soirée’ are £75 each, plus an optional £25 donation to NAT.

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