One Million Moms targets gays again over catalogue kiss

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

What it lacks in success, One Million Moms continues to make up for in persistence, urging supporters to boycott clothing retailer Urban Outfitters for featuring a lesbian kiss in its catalogue.

The group, which says it aims to attract one million mothers to its cause, railed: “Trash Your Teen’s New Urban Outfitters Catalog Today!”

An announcement by the site told unsuspecting shoppers: “Warning! […] On page two of this catalog is a picture of two women kissing in a face holding embrace!

“The ad and catalog are clearly geared toward teenagers. [Tell Urban Outfitters] you will also no longer shop at their stores if you hear this type of advertising continues. The content is offensive and inappropriate for a teen who is the company’s target customer.”

A Facebook message said: “Please send an email letter urging Urban Outfitters to discontinue this ad and immediately stop the circulation of the catalog with the two women kissing or you will make a conscious effort to shop elsewhere […] Also, suggest they refrain from using this type of advertising in the future.”

In 2008, Urban Outfitters pulled a pro-marriage equality T-shirt from its stores in California and online shortly after Proposition 8 removed citizens right to marry people of the same sex. Its chairman has been criticised for his political donations, including thousands of dollars given to Rick Santorum, who recently pulled out as a candidate for the Republican party’s presidential candidacy nomination.

One Million Moms has called for boycotts of JC Penney after it announced it was making openly gay Ellen DeGeneres the new face of its brand and of Toys R Us for stocking an issue of the Archie comics in which two male characters marry.

Both boycotts ultimately prompted widespread support for the parties One Million Moms was urging people to oppose.

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