Video: New teaser for equal marriage ad

PinkNews logo surrounded by illustrated images including a rainbow, unicorn, PN sign and pride flag.

A teaser video for viral advertisement to promote the Coalition for Equal Marriage and the cause of marriage equality in England and Wales has been released.

Directed by Mike Buonaiuto, the advertisement is due to be released next week.

Today’s video features a still from the advert and the speech David Cameron gave to the Conservative party conference in 2011.

The prime minister had told the conference: “I don’t support gay marriage in spite of being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I am a Conservative.”

Mr Cameron does not feature in the final cut of the video, which will be released next week and is supported by

The Coalition for Equal Marriage was set up by Conor Marron and James Lattimore to allow people to make a declaration of support for marriage equality.

It was a direct response to the Coalition for Marriage, which opposes an equal right to gay and straight marriage through a national advertising campaign.

They wrote for that a signature sends “a message that progress is good, marriage is secular, the government works for the people, and we will not allow them to be bullied into walking away from doing what’s right, just to appease the apoplectic religious lobbyists and pontificators”. urges readers in England and Wales to sign the marriage equality petition at and encourage others to add their names too.

We have also called on readers to complete the official Home Office consultation on the introduction of equal civil marriage.

iPhone and iPad users may need to click here to activate the video.

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