Results of inquiry into priest’s accidental gay porn display expected today

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The results of an investigation into how a Catholic priest in Northern Ireland managed to display images of gay porn to a group of primary school parents instead of instructions on Holy Communion are expected to be released today.

Father Martin McVeigh had inserted a memory stick into a computer during the talk at St Mary’s Primary School in Pomeroy, Co Tyrone earlier this month.

But instead of instructions on their children’s first confessions, the 26 parents were apparently shown 16 images of gay porn. Father McVeigh said he had no knowledge of the images, saying the memory stick was used by other parishioners.

A statement issued by the parents present said Father McVeigh had been “visibly shaken and flustered” by the incident and swiftly left the room.

A week ago, it was reported that the Archdiocese’s investigation into Father Martin McVeigh had run into difficulty after the computer he used at the presentation was stolen from his home.

The laptop was the only item taken from his house and Northern Ireland’s police force had launched a public call for help in finding it.

But the Tyrone Times has printed a statement by parishioners which highlights the priest’s achievements in their community and expresses their continuing support for him.

It said: “Fr McVeigh has been in the parish for 14 years and has been always available to many families during times of sickness or bereavement.

“He has helped many people through times of difficulty and sadness and many parishioners have expressed their gratitude and thanks for the help that he gave them over these times.

“He is also excellent at saying Mass and conducting many other ceremonies and we hope that he is allowed to conduct these ceremonies in the parish again very soon.

“The majority of parishioners within Pomeroy parish hope that Fr. McVeigh will remain as their parish priest and that the people who are against him will learn to respect him and put the past behind them.

“Fr McVeigh can be ‘temperamental’ at times, as all of us but he is a very kind, concerned and helpful man who does his best to serve his parishioners in whatever way he can […]

“We need to get back to being a united parish community to work for the good of each other with Fr McVeigh as our parish priest.”

The Belfast Telegraph said the results of the Archdiocese of Armagh’s investigation were expected tonight.

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