Video: One British couple’s beautiful story of why they’re @Out4Marriage

PinkNews logo on pink background with rainbow corners. readers Adam Williams and James Swinburne were among the first couples to record an Out4Marriage video. Having supported the Coalition for Equal Marriage from its inception, they recorded a beautiful video this week to kick start the Out4Marriage campaign.

Adam Williams explains: “It’s time for change, you wouldn’t have a situation where black people could only have a civil partnership and white people could get married, it just wouldn’t be allowed.

He adds: “But that’s how it is for us at the moment, we can’t get married. But it’s time for a change, it’s time for equality.”

His fiance James Swinburne explains: “We have to stand up and take a stance and speak out, it’s the right thing to do.

Adam adds: “It’s not about religion, it’s not about politics, it’s about love. It’s about equality.”

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