Friend tells court he thought Anders Breivik ‘may have been gay’

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A friend of the Norwegian killer Anders Behring Breivik told a court today he believed the killer may have been gay after he began expressing feminine traits and moved in with his mother, cutting himself off socially.

Anders Breivik is currently standing trial in Norway for the killing of 69 people in Oslo and the island of Utoya last year.

The court is yet to determine whether Breivik is sane, in which case he would serve a prison sentence, or insane, meaning he would be transferred to a psychiatric institution.

As his friends began to give testimonies to the court today, one said he began expressing ‘metrosexual’ tendencies, comparing himself with David Beckham.

Reports say Breivik, 33, moved back in with his mother and devoted himself full-time to playing World of Warcraft in 2006, boasting that he was one of the pre-eminent players in Europe, if not the world.

The unidentified friend said: “He was very vain. He was very focused on his looks. He could be a bit feminine in his way of being.

“He explained that as being metrosexual, that was the new trend. He made reference to David Beckham at the time.”

He added that the defendant became “not as joyful, as vivacious” as he had been before after moving in with his mother and believed he may have been gay.

Breivik undertook the attacks believing that he was protecting Norway from multiculturalism.

In an act that was not widely reported at the time, a lesbian couple who lived on the banks of the lake in which the island of Utoya sits saved 40 people from Breivik’s attack.

Toril Hansen and Hege Dalen made four trips across the water to rescue people from the summer camp, their boat coming under fire from Breivik himself.

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