Target Corp. releases gay pride t-shirts, angers anti-gay groups

PinkNews logo surrounded by illustrated images including a rainbow, unicorn, PN sign and pride flag.

US retail giant, Target, has begun selling gay pride t-shirts on its website in order to raise money for a pro-equality group, earning thus the wrath of anti-gay groups around the country.

The retailer, which is based in Minneapolis, has recently begun selling the ‘Pride’ range of t-shirts on its website, with slogans such as ‘Love is Love’ and ‘Harmony,’ and has said it would donate all proceeds from the sales to the Family Equality Council, which campaigns for a marriage equality in the state.

Anti-gay groups which are pushing for a constitutional amendment to ban equal marriage in the state are angry about Target’s move.

Frank Schubert, campaign manager for anti-equality group, Minnesota for Marriage, has described it as a ‘slap in the face to people of faith and supporters of marriage.’ The majority of Target’s customers are opposed to marriage equality, he claimed in a local radio interview.

Target has had something of a controversial record on gay rights.

During the mid-term elections in 2010, the retailer was the subject of protests by gay rights activists over a $150,000 donation towards the election of Republican Tom Emmer — who harbours anti-gay views — as Minnesota’s governor.

Last year, an exclusive deal between Target and Lady Gaga over the sales of her album, Born this Way, broke down over the company’s perceived anti-gay stance.

Target has yet to respond to criticisms from religious groups, but has also failed to affirm its position for or against marriage equality.

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