New guide for gay employees overseas published

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Stonewall has released a new guide for global employers with gay staff working on overseas assignments.

Supported by Google, Global Working advises on supporting staff who are working in countries without strong legal protections for lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

Stonewall based its guide on the companies in its Diversity Champions programme, to which 600 companies with 10 million employees belong.

The guide offers global employers ten tips to make sure gay staff are supported to take full advantage of opportunities to work abroad.

Colleen Humphrey, Stonewall Director of Workplace: “Years of hard lobbying by Stonewall has secured vital legal protections for gay staff in Britain.

“But in over 80 countries it’s still illegal to be gay, and other countries don’t legally recognise civil partners or same-sex parents. Our guide will help global employers support their gay staff on assignment in those countries – and help make a difference to 400 million gay people living worldwide.”

Among its tips, the guide recommends companies ensure policies are applied consistently across the globe, provide alternatives if an overseas posting is dangerous for a gay staff member and offer equivalent benefits for relocation as straight employees.

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