Video: Newly married couple deliver anti-gay marriage petition to Downing Street

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The Coalition for Marriage, the campaign which opposes giving gay and straight couples an equal right to marry, recruited a newly-wed couple to deliver their petition to Downing Street yesterday.

23-year-old Rhys and Esther Curnow appeared in formal wear to deliver the boxes of names to the Home Office and Downing Street on behalf of the campaign to stop government plans to allow gay couples to marry.

Mr Curnow wore a suit and buttonhole and Mrs Curnow appeared in a white dress with a floral bouquet when they handed over the signatures at the prime minister’s residence.

Conservative MPs David Burrowes and Fiona Bruze, Labour MP Jim Dobbin as well as the Coalition for Marriage’s Colin Hart and Dr Sharon James joined them.

Conor Marron, co-founder of the Coalition for Equal Marriage, which is in favour of equal marriage for gay couples, said of the delivery: “A newly married couple? Must be nice…”

Although the Coalition for Marriage today says it has more than 550,000 signatures, polls released recently have found majority support for the government’s plan to open up marriage to gay and straight couples alike in both the gay community and the nation at large.

According to Stonewall’s 2012 Living Together report, 71 percent of Britons approved the move.

Watch the video of the Coalition for Marriage delivering its petition below. iPhone and iPad users may need to click here to watch the video.

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