Stonewall updates gay-friendly university guide

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Gay rights charity Stonewall has updated its guide to the gay-friendly credentials of the UK’s 150 universities.

Gay By Degree 2013, available online, aims to inform gay and bisexual students ahead of next year’s matriculations.

Prospective students can register to use the free site and build up shortlists of universities to compare their options.

Gay By Degree also includes advice on career options, choosing a university, finance, accommodation and the application process. Current students can also register to share information about their experiences.

Wes Streeting, Stonewall’s Head of Education, said: “For the third year running, Stonewall’s Gay By Degree is the only place where gay prospective students can find everything they need to know about their options in one place online, wherever they are. Finding a good uni is challenging, and we’re delighted to be there to help people make their choice.

“This year we also hope current students use the guide as a way to encourage universities to improve what they’re doing to support gay people.”

Gay By Degree uses ten criteria to identify how well universities support gay people, including whether they have a policy to tackle homophobic bullying, whether there are societies and events for lesbian, gay and bisexual students, and whether they support gay staff effectively.

UCL and the Universities of Aberystwyth and Portsmouth scored ten out of ten marks for the second year running.

Liverpool John Moores University and the Universities of Cardiff, Glasgow and Salford scored full marks for the first time this year.

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