Updated: Scottish government has not delayed marriage equality decision

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Updated 14:55.

The Scottish government had erroneously stated earlier today it would announce its decision on same-sex marriage in August, leaving gay rights groups further disappointed by delays. The government has now confirmed a decision will be announced in July. Please see the update in the story.

The Scottish goverment has stated to PinkNews.co.uk that it will reveal the results of the consulation and desicion on same sex marriage only in August, later than previously reported.

Scottish government spokesperson said: “There has been some slippage in the expected timetable due to the huge volume of responses – 77,000 in total – and the time taken for these to be analysed and properly considered by Cabinet. The Cabinet have had a first discussion on this and have asked for some further detail. We fully expect to be in a position to publish the way ahead next month.”

[Update at 14.55: A spokeperson for the Scottish government has subsequently told PinkNews.co.uk the statement quoted above was drafted in June, and “next month” was meant to refer to July, not August. A decision should therefore be announced this month.]

Earlier today an opinion article published by the Scotsman speculated that an announcement will be made on the 17 July as opposed to a previous date announced by STV on the 10 July.  The Scottish goverments have delayed twice before their annoucement which has attracted criticism, rumours and speculations.

Tim Hopkins, the chair of Scotland’s Equality Network, an NGO campaiging for marriage equality said: “The press reported a week ago that the Scottish Cabinet would discuss same-sex marriage on 10 July. There are now rumours that that discussion may be a week later. The Equality Network is urging the government to show leadership and make an announcement as soon as possible.

“Eight of the countries around us already have same-sex marriage. The government of France announced this week that they will legislate next year.

“The Irish Deputy Prime Minister told Dublin Pride at the weekend that same-sex marriage is the civil rights issue of the present day.

“It’s time the Scottish Government caught up with our neighbours.”

Colin Macfarlane, Director, Stonewall Scotland commented on the news: “Stonewall Scotland’s latest poll, released last week, showed that two thirds of Scots say I do to equal marriage.

“If the rumours are true that the Scottish Government is to further delay the announcement on its position then this will be disappointing.

“The consultation closed in December and while we support moves to make sure that the consultation analysis is done effectively and efficiently we urge the Scottish Government to make its decision as soon as possible.”

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