Lady Gaga social network unveiled

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Bisexual pop star Lady Gaga has unveiled a new social network,

Named after the term she uses to refer to her fans, the Little Monsters site is expected to boost Gaga’s presence in social media, where she is already the most-followed person on Twitter with nearly 27 million followers.

As well as sharing media related to the star, the site allows for discussions between users.

Of those topics being talked about this week, bullying and LGBT-related issues are two of the most popular.

Many users have shared personal experiences of support for their sexuality from friends and family members as well as seeking advice and help from the community of fans.

Last year, Lady Gaga announced the Born This Way Foundation. Its mission it to build “a brave new world where humanity is embraced, individuals are empowered, and intolerance is eliminated”.

The Born This Way Foundation is currently launching an “unprecedented youth-led initiative” of ‘Born Brave’ groups to further its vision of a “braver, kinder world” built by young people.

The Foundation will give youth groups a toolkit outlining activities and events to “provide infrastructure while also empowering them to identify and solve issues that are unique to their local groups”.

Cynthia Germanotta, Lady Gaga’s mother, President and Co-Founder of the Foundation said: “Through these youth-driven organizations, we can continue building the kind of world my daughter and I dreamed of when we started Born This Way Foundation, and we are excited to continue to engage youth to help shape their movement.

“Together, with our youth, we can create a kinder, braver world where everyone is accepted for the person they were born to be.”

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