US: Lesbian Super-PAC aims to support pro-LGBT and women candidates

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A pro-lesbian Super-PAC (political action committee) has been launched to support political candidates in the US who back LGBT and women’s rights.

L-PAC has already secured high-profile backing from figures such as Billie-Jean King and actress Jane Lynch.

It aims to raise $1million and is expected to focus its action on the presidential contest between incumbent Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney.

New US campaign finance laws mean Super-PACS may raise unlimited funds for political candidates from corporations, unions or individuals. They may not co-ordinate campaigns.

Former tennis player King said LPAC would give lesbians a stronger voice in politics.

She said: “The formation of LPAC provides lesbians and the entire LGBT community a new, stronger voice and a real and respected seat at the table when politicians make policy that impacts our lives.”

Lynch said she was concerned about Republican statements on reproductive rights.

The Glee star said: “This year we have seen politicians repeatedly support policies that harm women. It is important to me to elect leaders who care about issues that impact women and their families. That’s why I support LPAC.”

LPAC’s chair, Chicago businesswoman Sarah Schmidt, said: “The Republican party is continuing to attack lesbian’s rights and women’s rights. I want to wake up the day after the election and know that I did everything I could to defeat that.”

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