US: Dismissed lesbian den mother takes petition to Scouts

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A den mother dismissed by the Boy Scouts of America because she is a lesbian has taken a 300,000 signature petition to the organisation’s headquarters.

Jennifer Tyrrell, who was the leader of a Bridgeport, Ohio, Tiger Cub den, was dismissed in April. She had been den mother for the group for a year, taking the position when her seven-year-old son Cruz joined.

Ms Tyrrell says a local Cubmaster knew of her sexual orientation and assured her it would not be a problem when she joined.

The Boy Scouts of America bans gay members, volunteers and staff.

As a private organisation, the organisation has adopted positions since 1991 which state that homosexuality is “inconsistent with the Scout Oath that a Scout be morally straight and in the Scout Law that a Scout be clean in word and deed”.

This week, it confirmed it would retain its ban on homosexuality.

Delivering the petition, Ms Tyrrell told CNN: “Along with those 300,000 signatures were tens of thousands of comments from scouts – current scouts, former scouts, across the board – who disagree with the decision to keep this policy in place.”

She added: “I don’t think it was their intention to personally disrespect me. Unfortunately, it’s just a policy that we need to update a little bit.

“I love Scouts as everybody probably knows by now. Cruz loves Scouts and we don’t have any ill feeling toward the Scouts. We just wanted to be included.”

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