London: Record attendance at gay professionals network

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Village Drinks, the social event for gay professionals, is celebrating its highest attendance for an event, with a record 600 members attending the group’s summer party in London tonight.

The event, to be held at the Kensington Roof Gardens, is supported by Virgin Holidays and HIP Hotels, who are offering all attendees the chance to win a free holiday in Miami, staying at THE SHORE CLUB – one of the most beautiful South Beach Hotels in Miami Beach.

Village Drinks was founded six years ago by author and entrepreneur, Neil Spring, in order to help connect like-minded gay professionals in environments away from the typical gay scene. The network now has over 15,000 members and growing.

Neil Spring, said: “The great thing about great ideas, is that they never die. This event is a celebration of all we have done to date, and all we have yet to do. Members are going to be delighted when they see what we have planned now and for the rest of the year.”

The event will launch a new Twitter feed bringing the latest news in global culture, arts, travel, fashion and music:

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