Dallas gay couple stage second marriage protest

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A gay couple in Dallas, Texas, have staged a second sit-in protest over marriage equality.

On July 6th, Mark Jiminez and Beau Chandler were led from the Dallas County Clerk Records Building in handcuffs when they refused to leave after being denied a marriage licence.

Last Thursday, they appeared at a court hearing for trespassing. Following the hearing, the pair returned to the clerk’s office and did the same thing again, only to be arrested for a second time.

According to WFAA, Mr Jiminez told reporters: “How is our marriage going to affect your life? When you’re sitting down to the dinner table, how is the fact that we’re married going to affect your life, at all? It’s not! So why are you worried about it?”

The couple’s last protest saw them led out of the building in front of a friendly, supportive crowd.

Sr. Cpl. Laura Martin, LGBT liaison officer for the Dallas Police Department, said of the July protest: “They’re the nicest couple. They’re the first guys after any protest to come up and thank the officers.”

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