Pro-traditional family group blast US ambassador for supporting Prague Pride celebrations

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

An international anti-LGBT, pro-traditional family group is apparently furious that the US ambassador to the Czech Republic has given his blessing to the Prague Pride Festival taking place this week.

Speaking at the opening of the festival on Monday, Ambassador Norman Eisen said:

“I am truly honored to be here today representing the United States and President Obama in the effort to ensure the rights of the global LGBT community.

In response, The World Congress of Families circulated an open letter which said: “At the directive of the president of the United States, Washington is aggressively promoting the ‘gay’ agenda internationally, including same-sex ‘marriage’ and the stigmatization and marginalization of any who object.

“We cannot imagine a worse form of cultural imperialism than Washington trying to force approval of the ‘gay’ agenda on societies with traditional values.”

According to the Washington Times, the letter was signed by 120 leaders of pro-family and pro-life groups, including Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights; Alveda King, a niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King; and Rabbi Yehuda Levin of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, which represents more than 1,200 Orthodox rabbis.

Mr Eisen said he spoke on behalf of nine foreign ambassadors in Prague who signed a letter of support for the festival, including the ambassadors of Belgium, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. The charge d’affaires of the Danish and Dutch embassies also signed the letter.

Unfortunately, the Pride festival is also raising the ire of those closer to home: an organisation called DOST (which apparently means “enough” in Czech) this week sent protest letters this week to the mayor of Prague – who supports the festival – and the US Embassy.

DOST chairman Michal Semin said: “The festival mostly represents a week-long party of homoeroticism and [the] pornographic industry.”


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