Poll suggests churchgoers less likely to vote Tory in light of PM’s support for marriage equality

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A new poll suggests that many churchgoers in the UK are increasingly unlikely to vote Tory owing to David Cameron’s promise to legalise marriage equality prior to the next election.

Though the issue is currently under consultation, some supporters of marriage equality were disappointed that it was left out of the Queen’s Speech. According to the Evening Standard, those very supporters are concerned that the prime minister is trying to kick the reform out of political sight.

In an editorial, the paper said: “[David Cameron] should not do so. Whatever the reaction of some in his own party — and some Cabinet ministers are at best lukewarm — gay marriage would mark a fundamental extension of basic rights to gay people.

“It would also send a message that he is not afraid to continue modernising his party. It is the right thing to do — and we hope that Mr Johnson’s intervention strengthens the PM’s resolve.”

That “intervention” refers to Boris Johnson’s Out4Marriage video. He has become the most high-profile Tory in the country to release a video message in support of the global campaign for equal marriage.

Speaking at City Hall, with the Olympic 2012 rings visible on Tower Bridge, he said:

“One of the amazing things about London is that it is not only got a declining crime rate; declining murder rate; more theatres than New York; less rainfall than Rome – but it is also one of the few places in the country where the rate of marriage is actually increasing  –

“And I see absolutely no reason why that happy state should be denied to anybody in our country and that’s why I am supporting the Out4Marriage campaign.”


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