Evan Rachel Wood responds to criticism of Miley Cyrus gay haircut tweet

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Evan Rachel Wood, responded to Twitter critics, and explained that she was joking when she tweeted that Miley Cyrus’ new haircut was a sign that she might be gay.

The Ides of March actress had tweeted, with reference to Miley Cyrus’ new short haircut: “I called it! Miley cyrus is leaning toward gay.”

The tweet was deleted, but Wood received so much criticism that she took to Twitter to defend her original tweet:

“Ok. To be clear. I believe you should be able to joke and have a sense of humor about everything.

“And i hate explaining, but just to be clear, i dont judge people on how they look. Nor do i associate a hair style with sexuality.

“I myself am bisexual and have always “joked” about miley giving me gay vibes. Not a bad thing! Just an observation.

“So i “joked” when she cut her hair that it supported my case. But, i am not so close minded or into stereotypes or labeling. It was a joke

“I could care less what gender she was attracted to. But dont hate me for supporting her in whatever She chooses. Its all fine by me.”

Cyrus simply tweeted back: “Well said!”

Wood, who came out as bisexual in 2011, and previously dated Marylin Manson, said she was “terrified” of her bisexuality as a child because no one had explained or discussed it with her.


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