Bill to ban gay conversion ‘therapy’ may be signed into law in California

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A groundbreaking new bill which would ban anti-gay “therapy” has passed the California Assembly and is on its way to state governor Jerry Brown.

It is hoped the Governor will sign it into law.

However, not only is the bill being questioned by religious groups, but a petition to encourage Governor Brown to support the practice and dismiss the bill is also circulating.

In response, have launched their own petition.

They said: “If signed, the law will block extremists from brainwashing thousands of kids and shaming them into rejecting who they are and who they love.”

The bill says that any medical provider who tries to to change the sexual orientation of anyone under the age of 18 is engaging in “unprofessional conduct.”

Once in place, therapists who use such practices on a minor could potentially lose their license.

Allout said: “Our friends from Gaylesta, the LGBTQ Psychotherapy Association in California, have been pushing hard to pass this bill, but they’re worried the conservative political pressure on Governor Brown is working.

“This should be a no-brainer. The medical community has overwhelmingly denounced these ‘gay exorcisms’ disguised as ‘cures’.

“If he signs the bill, Brown would be protecting thousands of young people in California from abuse – and that’s not all. This first-ever ban would be a decisive win in the worldwide battle against anti-gay ‘therapy’, which is being promoted across the country and around the globe.

“We cannot miss this critical moment: [our petition] will be sent directly to Governor Brown’s desk so he knows that all of America is watching him.”

The UK government, along with those of Argentina and France have already banned anti-gay “therapy”.

Sign the petition here:


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