Michelle Obama addresses gay Democrats at party convention

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US First Lady Michelle Obama has addressed a group of LGBT Democratic party members at a lunch event sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign in Charlotte.

CNN reports that Mrs Obama proudly listed the LGBT achievements and polices of her husband’s first term in office, and cited prominently last year’s removal of the ban on openly gay members of the US military, saying:

“Whether it’s passing hate crimes legislation or refusing to defend DOMA; whether it’s ending ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ or ensuring that people can be at their loved one’s hospital bedside…or speaking out for the rights of all Americans to be able to do what Barack and I did and marry the love of our lives – as president, my husband has stood strong for the basic values of freedom, justice and equality that make this country great.

“And he always will.”

Mrs Obama concluded her speech by saying:

“Do we want our kids and grandkids to walk away from this election feeling like regular folks can no longer be heard?

“Or are we going to show them that here in America, we all have an equal voice in the voting booth, and we all have a say in our country’s future, and a bottom-up, grassroots movement of people who love this country can always come together to move this country forward?”

The Washington Blade reports that Mrs Obama also encouraged LGBT voters to rally fellow community members, especially those in battleground states, to help re-elect the president in what she called a very close race.

Several gay US Democratic politicians were present at the event that was attended by around 600 people.

They included Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank.

Earlier this summer, Mr Frank married his long term partner Jim Ready in a ceremony in the state.

The couple have been together since 2007. Mr Ready is the owner of a carpentry shop.

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