New UK culture secretary supports equal marriage, saying marriage should be for ‘everyone’

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In her first interview to the Sunday Times newspaper as culture secretary, Conservative MP Maria Miller has signalled her full backing to the coalition’s policy on same-sex marriage.

On Friday evening reported how the Basingstoke MP was keen to begin discussions with LGBT organisations, following unease about David Cameron’s decision to give her responsibility for the Government Equalities Office in last week’s reshuffle.

Individuals, ranging from grassroots activists to prominent gay politicians, have all been commenting on Maria Miller’s poor LGBT voting record.

According to the politics website, since becoming an MP in 2005, Mrs Miller has either voted against or been absent from all major LGBT rights votes in the House of Commons.

She was absent from the vote on the Equality Act of 2007, and she voted against allowing same-sex couples access to fertility treatment in 2008.

When asked by the Sunday Times about the coalition’s promise to introduce civil marriage equality by 2015, Mrs Miller said the change is needed to ensure marriage “remains as a relevant and vibrant institution”.

She added: “Look, I think everybody should be married. It’s something which creates strength in our society and whether it is two men, two women or a man and a woman, it is something which is a way for us to strengthen our society further”.

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