Chick-fil-A make promise to stop funding anti equal marriage groups

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Fast food company, Chick-fil-A, have confirmed that they will no longer fund anti-equal marriage groups, and sent a statement of respect for people of all sexual orientations.

Back in July, Dan Cathy, COO of Chick-Fil-A said that the company were against equal marriage rights for gay people. He told the Baptist Press that the company was “guilty as charged”, when asked about its perceived opposition to equal marriage.

Joe Moreno, an alderman who represents Chicago’s Logan Square neighbourhood, had previously said he would use his aldermanic privilege to block the restaurant’s permit. This meant city council members would have to defer to aldermen on local matters.

The Civil Rights Agenda today confirmed, in a press release, that Alderman Moreno, had finished negotiations with Chick-fil-A, and that the company had agreed to stop funding charities with a political agenda, including those opposed to equal marriage.

A statement from the WinShape foundation, the charitable branch of Chick-fil-A wrote to Alderman Moreno saying:

“The WinShape Foundations is now taking a much closer look at the organisations it considers helping, and in that process will remain true to its stated philosophy of not supporting organisations with political agendas.”

WinShape had previously donated millions of dollars to anti-equal marriage groups, including some which were categorised as hate groups.

In an internal document titled: “Chick-fil-A: Who We Are”, sent to stakeholders and franchisees, the company said their “intent is not to engage in political or social debates,” and that they would, “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect-regardless of their beliefs, race, creed, sexual orientation and gender”.

Rick Garcia, policy advisor for the Civil Rights Agenda, said: “Although we are encouraged by their internal statement, we would still like for the company to adopt an anti-discrimination policy at the corporate level.”

The company originally responded to Mr Cathy’s original announcement with a very similar message, promising “honour, dignity and respect”.

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