Video: Anti-equal marriage advert aired in Maryland

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Ahead of next month’s referendum on whether to ban same-sex marriage in the US state of Maryland, opponents have produced a new campaign video that has been shown on state television.

It urges residents to vote against Question 6 and says: “Everyone is entitled to love and respect, but no one is entitled to redefine marriage”.

Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the lead group seeking to uphold the law, also plan to broadcast adverts later this week.

A bill to legalise same-sex marriage in Maryland was passed by the Maryland General Assembly in February 2012 and signed into law on 1 March 2012, by Governor Martin O’Malley.

However, opponents of marriage equality have successfully gathered signatures to force a referendum on the decision.

Question 6 will ask voters in the state to either keep or remove the law on 6 November 2012.

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