Video: Anti-equal marriage advert ‘Not about Equality’ airs in Washington

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

With the vote on equal marriage growing ever closer, anti-equal marriage groups have begun to show TV adverts in the state of Washington.

Following the lead of adverts which aired in Maryland yesterday, Preserve Marriage Washington, a group opposed to equal marriage, has launched its first TV advert, in an attempt to oppose the Referendum 74 on November 6.

The advert, titled ‘Not about Equality” says that “marriage is more than a commitment between adults,” and that “it was created for the care and wellbeing of the next generation”.

The video claims that gay and lesbian people already have the same legal rights as straight people, but that “when laws like R74 have occurred elsewhere, people who disagree have faced lawsuits, fines and punishment.”

It ends with the message that: “You can reject equal marriage and not be anti-gay.”

The advert will be show on both cable, and standard TV channels, the Associated Press reports.

Other messages in support of the referendum in Washington have been seen recently. In an email circulated to employees, Seattle based, Nordstrom, a fashion department store, announced that it will back the referendum



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