Moscow: 4 people injured in attack on gay club

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A gay rights activist says several people have been injured by masked men who stormed into a Moscow gay club.

According to AFP, Viktoriya Soto of the 7 Freedays club said that a dozen attackers broke in late on Thursday to coincide with international Coming Out Day.

One witness said he initially thought the attack was part of a show to mark the event.

“I thought it was part of the show because it was Coming Out Day and people came in wearing masks,” Pavel Samburov said in a TV interview. “Only later I realised it wasn’t a show but an attack.”

“It was really scary,” added another witness.

As a result of the attack in the bar in central Moscow, four people were injured and three were hospitalised.

Moscow police told Russian media that a young woman has been treated for broken glass in her eye.

This year three Russian cities have passed laws imposing fines for “homosexual propaganda.”

Russia’s Supreme Court ruled that the country’s second largest city of St Petersburg can continue to enforce its homophobic censorship law, last week.

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