Home address of Nick Griffin shared on Facebook

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Six days after he caused a media storm by tweeting the address of a Cambridgeshire gay couple and calling for a protest outside their house, an Irish “underground” news site called Rabble has reportedly posted the address of BNP leader Nick Griffin on its Facebook page.

The photograph shows a stamped envelope with Mr Griffin’s title as an MEP and a full address.

It was published on 19 October and has received over 10,000 shares.

The location is mentioned as Welshpool, which is a market town on the England/Wales border.

Although he is now an MEP for the North West, Mr Griffin still appears to be a resident of the area.

Dyfed-Powys Police have been carrying out an investigation into Mr Griffin’s online behaviour along with their counterparts in Cambridgeshire – the county where John Morgan and Michael Black reside.

Last week, Mr Griffin called the couple “2 bullying ‘gay’ activists” and tweeted their address with the remarks that a “British Justice team” would be coming to “give you a… bit of a drama”.

It was after their legal victory against the Christian owner of a bed and breakfast who refused to let them stay in a double room because of her religious views.

Despite Mr Griffin’s actions, the couple said at the weekend that they were not willing to press charges against the BNP leader and have described his behaviour as amounting to “hot air”.

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