Scotland: Man attacks barman in row over gay porn

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A man accused of hitting a gay barman over the head with a bottle in an alleged row about gay pornography has avoided jail.

Tain Sheriff Court heard that 47-year-old Hugh McCullough, of no fixed address, admitted to assaulting the victim and that the offence was aggravated by prejudice relating to sexual orientation.

However, McCullough’s solicitor, Neil Wilson, told the court it was because the defendant had been subjected to an “unexpected and unwelcome” sexual advance.

The North Star newspaper reports that McCullough had a room at the Railway Hotel in Tain, a remote part of north west Scotland, and went to the barman’s accommodation after closing time where further drinking took place.

McCullough then went to the bathroom and when he came out there was an argument regarding gay pornography on an iPad and who had been using it, at which point, the violent altercation occurred.

McCullough also admitted to behaving in an abusive or threatening manner towards police officers.

The Sheriff, Charlotte Coutts, placed McCullough on a two-year supervision requirement and ordered him to carry out 80 hours of community service.

The court heard he had been suffering from post traumatic stress after being discharged from the army.


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