US preacher blames same-sex marriage for Hurricane Sandy

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A right-wing homophobic US preacher, who claimed Hurricane Sandy was an example of God’s wrath due to President Obama’s support of equal marriage, is defending his remarks.

On Tuesday, John McTernan wrote on his blog: “I want to thank all the homosexuals and their supporters who contacted me with their opinions of my post about Hurricane Sandy and Obama campaigning for homosexual ‘Marriage’.

He continued: “I want to clear something up. I am not saying this super destructive hurricane was because of the homosexual act. The Holy God of Israel will judge individuals for their sinful acts.

“What I am saying is the judgment is for the government promoting homosexual ‘marriage’ as an ordinance. Once a nation legalises sin, like abortion and homosexual ‘marriage’, that nation falls under the direct judgment of the Holy God of Israel. God does not destroy a nation right away but first warns”.

Mr McTernan is also critical of Republican president hopeful Mitt Romney, despite the former Massachusetts governor’s widespread opposition to gay rights.

The preacher said of Mr Romney: “Yes, he is a big time pro-homosexual supporter to the point he will keep open homosexuality in the military; he wants homosexuals in the Boy Scouts; and he wants more open homosexuals in the Republican Party.”

According to the Huffington Post, earlier this year, Mr McTernan similarly linked Hurricane Isaac with the LGBT community, pointing to the fact that the storm coincided with New Orleans’ Gay Mardi Gras.

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