Brighton MP talks of crime concerns for city’s gay quarter

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The Chairman of Brighton and Hove’s LGBT Community Safety Forum has welcomed an MP’s decision to speak out over the increasing number of criminal incidents that have been occurring in the city’s famous LGBT district.

Earlier this week, Chairman Chris Cooke said Kemptown was fast becoming a no-go destination and that it was no longer a safe place for residents and the large number of LGBT businesses, which are based around its heart on St James’s Street.

According to Gscene, on Thursday in the House of Commons, Simon Kirby, Conservative MP for Kemptown and Peacehaven, spoke of the need to enhance the UK’s town and city centres – he also made a particular reference to the situation in Kemptown.

“Brighton benefits from a vibrant and diverse city centre which drives the cultural and economic life of a much wider community. It is vital to ensure the area is safe for all residents of the city and visitors who come to enjoy all that Brighton has to offer,” the MP told the Commons.

“There is some concern in my constituency that recent incidents in the St James’s Street area are damaging the reputation of our city, and discouraging people from visiting”.

Mr Kirby added: “I wanted to take this opportunity to call for a debate in the House of Commons on the contribution of our city centres and the importance of protecting them.

“I am hopeful that the debate will take place, as I believe it will draw attention to an area of great importance, both locally and nationally.”

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