London: Gay water polo side beat Manchester rivals

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LGBT water polo club London Orca clinched gold from their Manchester rivals at the weekend’s London Orca European Water Polo Championship tournament.

The event was held at Queen Elizabeth’s Boys School in High Barnet and had thirteen teams from Copenhagen, Paris, Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam, Birmingham and Manchester taking part.

London Orca, Out to Swim’s LGBT water polo club, had four teams in the competition, and its top side took home gold in the final against the Manchester Sharks.

Afterwards, Gareth Johnson, chair of Out to Swim and London Orca player said: “It’s been a fantastic tournament – thirteen teams from across Europe competing in what has been the biggest LGBT water polo tournament outside of a Gay Games.

“We’ve played some great water polo, but we’ve also had a lot of fun. The feedback from all the competitors has been really positive – they’ve loved the tournament and they’ve loved being in London for the weekend.”

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